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INFO                                Saga of a Crew - The Production

Production on this Science Fiction Shipwreck/Survival Film began when Daniel R. Christopher completed the Script for Saga of a Crew in 1981. After constructing numerous Prop Models, Set Pieces, and Costumes, filming began in 1982 eventually ending about a year later. The Film material which was in a rough edited form was placed in long term storage until when, in 2005, Christopher had time to 'revisit' the project.

Notorious for it's 'lengthy' production schedual, Saga of a Crew was eventually released to DVD, more than 30 years after production originally began. One reason for this timeframe was the need to produce new material to replace missing plot elements in order to complete Saga of a Crew as originally intended. First, a limited number of 2006 DVDs with distinct audio distortions and later a much improved 2008 Special Edition DVD has been released.

Saga of a Crew is REAL

Originally shot on ordinary Super-Eight Ektachrome Film in the early 1980's Saga of a Crew has become a Science Fiction Enigma. Featuring traditional 1980's era visual effects, intellegent Spacecraft Concepts, and an interesting script premiss performed by 'actors of various calibers' Saga of a Crew continues to touch lovers of classic Science Fiction - sometimes in ways they would rather not be touched.

Some Web 'reviewers' or 'experts' either denounce the Film because they hold Saga of a Crew to todays standards or alledge the Film is 'not real' in other words a 'hoax'. An excellent response direct from the Producer can be found here:


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